APNU (PNC) has no intention to break from its authoritarian past

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the decision taken by the APNU to officially launch its elections campaign on February 20, the birthday of Forbes Burnham, Founder-Leader of the People’s National Congress.

The fact that APNU has chosen that date to launch its election campaign on the birthday of Burnham can be construed as a subtle hint to the electorate that it has no intention to break from its authoritarian past.

This is also an insult to the memory of Dr Walter Rodney whose party, the WPA, is now in an alliance with the PNC under the umbrella of the APNU.

Both the late Dr Walter Rodney and Dr Rupert Roopnarine, along with several other WPA leaders, were targeted under the Forbes Burnham regime for their opposition to dictatorial rule, as was revealed during the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry.

Politics, it is said, makes for strange bedfellows. One can hardly think of anything stranger where oppressor and the oppressed have now found common cause to subvert democracy in Guyana.


Hydar Ally

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