APNU MPs want end to NCN monopoly in Region 10

Renis Morian

Ending the National Communication Network (NCN) monopoly in Linden and pursuing greater infrastructural developmental projects for Region 10 are top on the agendas of two parliamentarians in the region. The A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) captured the two geographical seats in the region, which have been taken up by Vanessa Kissoon and former Regional Democratic Councilor Renis Morian. In a recent interview with Guyana Times, the two Members of Parliament (MPs) said they will be pushing to have major developmental projects of superior quality executed in Region 10, but above all things, the breaking of NCN monopoly.

“I want to see an independent television station in Region 10, and secondly, regional

Vanessa Kissoon

leaders must have unfettering access to NCN,” remarked Moriam. The duo along with their fellow APNU MPs will be looking to fast track the legislation that would lead to the opening up of the national airwaves to accommodate more radio and television stations in Linden. On the topic of infrastructural development, Moriam disclosed that he will be advocating for the estimated sum of money requested by the regional democratic council be released to the local body when the budget is read. “This should happen especially for the releases for roads, because we have been getting chip sealed roads, they are built one month and by the next month they are destroyed, what we want is bituminous surface roads with drains.” Kissoon added that the issue must be addressed since Region 10 has been showered with projects of inferior quality. “Since the opposition would have got ten the majority, we should get value for our money, better quality roads. Too long we have been getting substandard work either by contractors who are not qualified, or by those who constantly do poor work.”

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