APNU lays out development plans at Linden rally

Deh pun you heights!” That was the overriding charge to the people of Linden as opposition coalition A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) outlined its plan for the country if it is to become the next government.

Some APNU supporters at the rally

The rally attended by just over 1200 supporters at the Burnham Drive in the vicinity of the old Palm Tree cinema, Wismar was delayed by rain and eventually got underway around 18:45h.

Lindener and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon chaired the proceedings and urged the people of Linden to vote for APNU when they go to the polls on November 28.

Feature speaker Rupert Roopnarine told Lindeners that they must make their voices heard with a ballot in favour of APNU on Election Day.

“We are going to that ballot box with a spirit of rebellion on the 28th of November,” Roopnarine told the crowd.

The co-founder of APNU told the gathering that they owe it to their fore parents to assert their dignity on Election Day. In the lead up to Roopnarine’s address, several APNU members outlined the benefits of an APNU- led government and special emphasis was placed on youths.

Party activist Sharam Solomon told the young people “deh pun y’all heights, young people are worth more than big music and fancy things”. He added that under APNU, things will be made better, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

“It is young people time!” PNCR MP Debra Backer declared.

She told the crowd that APNU is campaigning on the issues, issues that have affected the people for a number of years which APNU can resolve.

Backer then went on to talk about bringing back security to Guyana, starting with the rebranding of the disciplined services. “We are going to rebrand it. It is not the Guyana Police Force; it is the Guyana Police Service.

It is a service that the police provide to the citizens.” She added that the rebranding will see the police force being more people friendly. APNU believes that with better remuneration, police officers will perform better. “Highly trained, highly motivated, highly paid in proper surroundings,” she said.

While Backer promised improved security in the country, Carl Greenidge promised improved salaries and better jobs for all. “Jobs for all, and level of incomes that are satisfactory and can keep body and souls together,” promised Greenidge.

Reduction of poverty will also be a major focus and attention will be given to rural communities, including Linden, as APNU works to substantially reduce poverty, Greenidge added.

Noticeably absent from the rally was presidential candidate David Granger; however, each speaker that spoke did so in his name. No explanation was offered for why he was not at the party’s second rally.

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