APNU has awakened from slumber to cast aspersions

Dear Editor,

It’s official that the silly season has commenced with the announcement of Elections – the latest was a call from the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) Councilor Leslie Gonsalves to test the bauxite exported by RUSAL for gold and rare earth minerals.

Let us be logical. If there was indeed any traces of gold or rare earth minerals within the area where RUSAL is currently operating, the company would not have gotten an opportunity to even harvest it much less export it.

This is so due to the fact that a gang of miners would have already showed up to that area and would have begun mining.

It is appalling that with the recent announcement of General and Regional Elections, all the silly persons are now awake after a long slumber to make fictitious allegations against the company which was brought by the Government to revitalize bauxite in Guyana.

RUSAL is one of the companies that have created employment for the people of Linden, but yet the APNU Member wants to cast aspersions on the operations and management of the company to create an impression that Guyana is being robbed and the Government is in collusion.

This has been the trump card for APNU, casting aspersions of corruption and illegality without providing the evidence. I do hope the company will consider taking legal actions against APNU and its Member Mr Gonsalves.

In Guyana, we have a culture of casting aspersions without investigating or getting the facts right, but that is how some of the attention seekers, like Mr Gonsalves of APNU, operate and I call for an end of this unethical behavior.


Vivian Li

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