Reiterating its call for the administration to fulfill its promise to hold local government elections by year-end thereby ensuring that local government reform take place, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) said it is shameful that there is no evidence of steps being taken to prepare for elections.
APNU parliamentarian Ronald Bulkan said the government was urged to decentralise and not re-centralise, to stop seeking to control and dominate local democratic organs, allow communities to elect their own councillors, and respect local leaders. The state was also urged to practise oversight not domination, empower communities to manage local issues and affairs, and provide financial and other resources to local government bodies on an equitable basis.
“We are saddened to report to the public that, not only has our call fallen on deaf ears but the government has intensified their campaign to trample on the system of local democracy, in general, and local government in particular.”
Bulkan added that instead of there being “visible moves to facilitate the holding of local government elections”, government has been dismantling “duly elected councils” and replacing them with Interim Management Councils (IMCs) “largely comprising hand-picked loyalists” while ignoring the principle of proportionality.
He added that during tripartite talks, assurances were given by President Donald Ramotar that four local government reform bills that were tabled in the Ninth Parliament for immediate submission to a special select committee would be re-introduced but to date that has not been done. “As of this day, Friday, 13th July 2012, the government has failed to submit the bills to the National Assembly,” Bulkan pointed out.

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