APNU, AFC deadlock over selection of Speaker prolongs

The opposition remains deadlocked over the selection of the Speaker of the House, as the People’s Progressive Party/Civic ( PPP/ C) reiterates its disappointment in the opposition for violating the tripartite discussions it had agreed on.

In a telephone interview, Alliance For Change (AFC) executive member Khemraj Ramjattan said that there has been “no movement”, and that the party is still negotiating with the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

As for APNU, executive member Dr Rupert Roopnaraine said the parties are testing various propositions, but refuted claims that they were deadlocked on the issue.

The AFC continues to push for Moses Nagamootoo to fill the position, while the APNU has put forward Deborah Backer. Supporters of the APNU have threatened protest action in support of Backer, a move that was strongly denounced by the AFC.

The selection of the Speaker is the first test of the opposition’s ability to work together. The AFC and the APNU hold the combined majority in Parliament. The public haggling over the decision has prompted sections of civil society to call for a quick resolution to the matter.

However, the ruling party believes that the opposition is violating its agreement to have tripartite discussions on the issue. The PPP/ C said the opposition’s tactic to work behind the scenes to appoint their own Speaker of the National Assembly is “not helpful and is contrary to the spirit of trust”.

PPP/C executive member, Robert Persaud said that there seems to be active collaboration between the AFC and the APNU without the involvement of the PPP/ C. The PPP/ C said it has announced its intentions of nominating Ralph Ramkarran for the position of Speaker. Ramkarran, the former Speaker, the party said has demonstrated fairness and integrity in that position where he served with distinction.

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