Anxiously awaiting four-lane highway

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of Grove, East Bank Demerara, and I am thrilled to hear of the four-lane highway to be constructed from Providence to Grove. I have every reason to be happy, because I work in Georgetown and am required to be at my workplace at 08:30h every morning.

But, believe me, Editor, at the moment, it takes me about one hour — sometimes longer, depending on traffic — to reach my work place. I was told about the difficulty in getting into Georgetown from any point on the East Bank before the four-lane highway between Ruimveldt and Providence was constructed. However, after that highway was constructed, things became much easier for residents on the East Bank. Now, however, with more people using the East Bank road, it is becoming a problem again to reach to work on time. But I believe this will end when the four-lane highway from Providence to Grove is realised.

I know this will assist a lot of people to get to work early, and children who attend schools in Georgetown will get there on time. I believe that when the authorities are planning things like the construction of roadways like the East Back Road, etc, they must look to the future and cater for an increase in population and vehicular traffic.

Yours truly,

Sohan Singh

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