Antigua hints at taking the U.S. back to WTO

Antigua’s American-born legal counsel in World Trade Organization (WTO) matters, Mark Mendel, says the United States may have opened itself up to a new challenge when it shut down certain offshore Internet gambling sites last Friday.

“The WTO ruled that these kinds of laws criminalising the provision of remote gaming services are contrary to the obligations of the United States under the WTO agreements,” said Mendel, in a statement.

“The United States, being a very heavy user of the WTO rules to its own benefit, simply cannot continue to prosecute persons for engaging in legitimate international commerce,” he added. “Given the time that has been spent by the Antiguan government on sincere attempts to negotiate a reasonable settlement with the United States, and the very eager results that have come of those discussions, it might be time for Antigua to go back to the WTO and compel American compliance with the rulings that this very small country fought so hard for and deserves to see implemented,” he said. (Excerpt from CMC)

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