Another nail…

…in democracy’s coffin

You’ve got to hand it to the PNC: they’re leaving no stone unturned in their drive to reinstitute over Guyana the dictatorship first established by Forbes Burnham. But then, the present leader of the PNC – David Granger — did say publicly and repeatedly that his mission is to continue the “legacy” of the PNC’s “founder-leader”. And like Burnham, he does seem to like covering his excesses with legal fig leaves.
This time, it’s through reaffirming the ancient common law charge of “sedition” and seditious libel via the supposedly 21st century “Cybercrime” Bill just laid in the House. This charge goes all the way back to 1275, when – as the saying goes – if the King speaks, no dog barks. The statute outlawed “any false news or tales whereby discord or occasion of discord or slander may grow between the king and his people or the great men of the realm.” Violations were punished by the King’s council sitting in the “starred chamber”.
By 1606, Coke of the infamous “Star Chamber” made the tort into a crime, both against private persons and the Government. Truth was not a defence, as was the case under the 1275 statute, and led to the maxim “the greater the truth the greater the libel.” The point being the “peace in the realm” by not questioning actions of the ruler trumped all individual rights.
But what makes it really bare-faced of the PNC government to try to slip this ancient law through the back door is that even England, where the law originated, abolished it in 2009 on the ground that it violated the modern right of citizens to freedom of expression. Now, if the citizens are trying to overthrow the Government, that’s a horse of another colour; not the Trojan Horse for persecution Basil Williams just hauled into the House.
In the US, for instance, all the way back in 1918, after the end of WWI, they explicitly restricted sedition to “wartime”, and in fact made it specifically against acts of “aiding and abetting” the enemy. But here, Basil Williams, harking to his master’s voice, says we’re not to worry, even though the Bill insists: “A person commits an offence of sedition if the person… transmits or circulates by use of a computer system or any other means, a statement or words…that bring or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in Guyana”!!!
Now, if this becomes the law of the land, your Eyewitness could be charged right NOW.
You did feel that frisson of “disaffection towards the Government” after reading the above, didn’t you?
…against financial probity
When, in 2012, the PPP arranged a Chinese loan of US$130 million for CJIA’s modernisation after their VP’s visit, the Opposition severely criticised the Government. The AFC even suggested the expansion was totally frivolous and should be abandoned. After they took over in 2015, however, the Government did a complete volte face and totally embraced the project. It soon became clear why.
The PPP had a very comprehensive plan, which included both lengthening the runways and completely redoing the terminal buildings to First World standards. Most noticeable were the eight boarding bridges directly to the planes. But the PNC government increased the contract to US$150 million – WHILE REDUCING ALL FACETS OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN!! The number of gates, for instance, has been reduced from 8 to 4; shops will now be outside the terminal, and will have to be constructed by the owners!!
Yet Minister Patterson insists the Government is getting “value for money”!! The question is: Compared to what??
The ants-nest Durban Park Stadium?? Whose pockets are being filled?
…on multi-religious commitment
The state-run Chronic announced that when the first phase of the CJIA expansion is completed – the departures area – Caribbean Airways will “christen” the facilities.
But will it then be “halaal”??

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