And they’re off…

…to divide Guyana!

In what will certainly be the longest political campaign in Guyana’s history, David Granger led his PNC into one of its traditional strongholds – Linden – in their opening sortie. Not the so-called “five party coalition”, APNU…not the APNU/AFC coalition, but the PNC!! Of course, we know Granger and company have been campaigning even as they fought their rear guard, Court battle against the NCM!
Surely, dear readers, you didn’t think all those ministerial “outreaches” were belated mea culpas for ignoring areas outside their air-conditioned offices since 2015?!! But under the governmental outreach fig leaf, Granger and company had to observe the proprieties of including personnel from their more expansive “coalition” fig leaf. But not this time. And we should note the significance of the occasion.
Every Guyanese knows the APNU coalition is a sham – conjured up to simply hide the mark of the PNC. Could stripes disappear because of a name and leader change? Can any single Guyanese rattle off the name of the “party” that Keith Scott heads? Pleeeease! The WPA, which did have name recognition, has constantly bitched and moaned of being ignored in decision making.
So what Granger is signalling with his unabashed identification as the PNC LEADER is that while he’ll go along with the charade of a leading a “coalition”, on this campaign the PNC won’t be hiding its fangs behind a mask. Granger, who revealed that he’d “always been PNC” even when he was heading the army, unapologetically announced: “The PNC will provide that leadership to Guyana. We were born to lead. The PNC is the party that will lead. Guyana is the country that we’ll lead and this is the time for our leadership.”
“We were born to lead”!! And to make sure the country knows who is that “we”, Granger made it crystal clear as he referred to the PPP and their successful NCM: “They tried to stop us but we will continue our work,” and added significantly, “Charrandas didn’t come from Linden.” No, Charrandas comes from Berbice, and we know Berbice is a trope for “Indian-Guyanese”, just as Linden is its mirror image!
Granger is going back to the roots of the PNC which was spawned when Burnham split the PPP by taking African Guyanese along with him. And destroying the ethnic unity in our “land of six peoples” like Humpty Dumpty, which has never been put together again! So yes, the race is on… and Granger seems determined to make it a racial one!!
Granger statement, “Charrandas didn’t come from Linden” also means that Ramjattan and Nagamootoo’s PM hopes are screwed.
Not only they don’t come from Linden, they’re also from Berbice!!

…with the lies
Now we all know that during elections, politicians will take some liberties with the truth. But we don’t expect those liberties to extend to rape, do we?? But if we go by what Granger spouted at Linden, it looks like the truth will be gang-raped by the PNC in the months ahead. Imagine a man who was educated at UG on our public funds as a HISTORIAN could say the following:
“Look at what is happening in terms of security. We’ve done away with the hooliganism of the PPP, the massacres, the troubles. We have restored calm and we will continue to restore calm after March 2nd next year.”
Hooliganism of the PPP? Did the PPP launch violent protests in 1997-98 while they “wuk pon” Janet Jagan? Did PPP launch mo’ fyaah; slow fyaah? Was the PPP holed up in in Buxton to massacre police and innocent citizens as “Freedom Fighters”??
And wasn’t “calm” restored by 2008?
Or did the PNC intervene after that taped discussion between Felix and Basil? Eh Bannuh?

…to nomination
After waiting to see how the NCM breeze would blow, Carl Greenidge finally renounced his British citizenship to get onto the PNC list.
But his bitterness against Charrandas for blowing his dual-citizen gig, boiled over into a very undiplomatic cussing out!!

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