An overland trek to Kaieteur Falls

The overland trek to Kaieteur Falls is a rough and rugged one, but it offers the excitement of adventure and camping in the forest, and rewards with amazing views of Kaieteur gorge.
The expedition involves trekking through the jungle, swimming across creeks and walking across jungle bridges before the final arduous climbing of the ‘Oh My God’ mountain, named for its steep slopes. At the conclusion of the trek, expect to be well rewarded with views of the Kaieteur Falls seen by only a handful of intrepid visitors, as well as a healthy sense of mental and physical achievement.
The trek starts from the bauxite town of Linden, through the bustling gold-mining town of Mahdia, then to Amatuk. On this beautiful island of white sand with the 170 ft drop Amatuk falls just a few yards away, a camping ground is set up for the night.
In the morning your trek continues as you leave Amatuk by foot, hiking through the jungle, swimming across creeks and walking across jungle bridges (tree trunks); a short boat-ride through the rapids and you arrive at Waratuk where you camp once more for the night.
The next day you set off on foot for Tukiet Falls with the enigmatic Ibini mountain range in the distance as your constant companion. Another short boat ride and you reach the bottom of Kaieteur Falls where you can enjoy a cool dip in the river with the ‘Old Man’s Beard’, a beautiful falls, flowing gently down a steep drop from high up the mountain just across the river.
Then it’s up the ‘Oh My God’ mountain, a climb that will challenge you both physically and mentally. With your backpack strapped securely unto your back and your water bottle within easy reach, you begin your ascent quite smartly. After four and a half exhilarating hours of climbing, enough time to come to terms with yourself and find out who you really are, you eventually reach the top. The feeling of achievement is indescribable as you proudly view the grandeur of the mighty Kaieteur Falls, one of the highest single-drop waterfalls in the world.
On this trek you will also get to tour around the Kaieteur Park, which will prove to be a truly fascinating experience. You will also get the chance to view the Kaieteur Falls from several vantage points that offer excellent photo opportunities. With stealth and a little patience you can get a close-up view of the beautiful, but poisonous ‘golden frog’ and, if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of the brilliantly coloured, orange ‘Cock-of-the-rock’. You will also make the acquaintance of several pretty carnivorous plants, some of which feed on insects. There are lots of beautiful, wild flowers too, including the decorative Heliconia.
This journey is offered by many local tour operators who also offer packages including meals, accommodation and additional adventures. (Source:

The Kaieteur gorge stretches into the distance from Kaieteur Falls
Steep path of the ‘Oh My God’ Mountain
One of the many streams to cross on the way to Kaieteur
This waterfall is referred to by some as the ‘Big Stone Waterfall’
The west branch of Amatuk Falls

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