Amerindian villages in Guyana are grateful for solar panels

Dear Editor,
I wish to join with other Amerindian leaders and say how grateful we are to the government of Guyana for the solar panels that were distributed to the various communities a few days ago. As you would recall, there were many projects that suffered as a result of the budget cuts – the distribution of solar panels to Amerindian communities being one of them. Now that we have received these solar panels, our children can study and do their research as they wish, since they would have access to a reasonable supply of electricity. Also many families who received laptops via the One Laptop Per Family programme will be able to recharge the equipment with the use of the panels.
The solar panels, worth Gy$ 75,000 each, were handed over to the Amerindian communities: Tapakuma/ St Denys, Wakapoa, Akawini, St Monica, Karawab, Mashabo, Bethany, Mainstay, Capoey and Kabakaburi in Region Two.
Editor, we are excited about what is happening in our communities and hopefully, the government will proceed with the other projects in relation to improving and expanding village economies etc, which they had planned to introduce.
Yours sincerely,
M Williamson

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