American University to roll out anti-suicide programme in Essequibo

In an effort to reduce the number of suicide cases in Guyana, the American University of Research will be embarking on an initiative to promote self-awareness as a solution.

At a press conference on Tuesday, university president, Dr Eton Simon, explained that if persons are aware of their mental state, they can make a better choice than choosing the easy way out. “We are embarking on this initiative due to the urgent need for a solution to suicide in our country,” he said.

Dr Simon said members of the university, along with other counsellors, will be sharing knowledge with individuals in interactive workshops over the next month so that they would process challenges in a more positive way in various areas across Guyana.

The first area targeted is Essequibo, as the most recent suicide case occurred there. “We chose this area first because of our observation on low self-esteem in that region in 2013,” he noted.



Dr Simon pointed out that a person’s environment can have a positive or negative impact on one’s life and decisions. Additionally, he explained that these workshops aim “…to educate people to shift their focus from suicide and focus on the bigger picture”.

He noted that people have choices; however, they sometimes get caught up in the moment and react irrationally to life’s challenges.

The university president explained that every person has a mind, and before one can act in a negative way, one will first think about it, “we are the source”.

Speaking from a psychotherapist’s point of view, he stated that everything starts in the mind and when persons are aware of that, they are better able to make rational decisions, looking at the bigger picture. Dr Simon said one of the major areas his team will be working extensively on is the root causes of suicide.

Often times most people look for the easy way out, because they feel pressured by their circumstances.

“While suicide may seem to be the way out for you who are going through your turmoil, it is NOT! There is always better, and you need to move away from that thinking and consider the consequences of your actions of which you’re thinking of,” he said.

The psychotherapist explained that nothing is wrong with one’s mind in these situations, just the way in which it is being used. “Everything is about behaviour, the way one reacts to a situation.”

The president noted that someone needs to take a stand against suicide, and with the launching of this initiative he hopes that both local and international partnerships will be made. The self-awareness workshops will seek to reduce the number of persons with low self-esteem and attempts to self-harm by the end of 2014.

This initiative is sponsored exclusively by the American University of Research, an institute of research, analysis and consultancy. Its focus is to conduct scientific research studies on social issues to find the root causes.


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