Amanda Chaliha

Amanda Chaliha, originally born in the Bronx, N.Y. is 18 years’ old and has recently graduated from the NYC Lab High School; she will be furthering her studies at Hofstra University with a major in Medicine. As a teenager, she has taken part in many Indo-Caribbean community events, such as, fundraisers for Guyana, Guyana Independence Day at City & Borough Hall, as well as events in the temple.
Amanda is a well-known Indian dancer, model and TV Show host. Starting from 8 years old, her mother, Yvonne Chaliha trained her to be the talkative and interactive host she is today. With the experience of being the host of Caribbean Mix and The Yvonne Chaliha show, Amanda has been able to interview quite a number of individuals, such as international chutney stars, local community leaders and international leaders as well.
Growing up half Indian (from her father) and half Guyanese, Amanda has been culturally affected by both India and Guyana. She started out by joining a dance group at the age of four and then furthering her dancing career by getting trained in India by her aunt, who is a professional classical dancer.  Amanda hopes to pursue a career in the medical field. Her biggest aspiration is to open a non-profit youth organization with free youth programs for unprivileged kids in the Indo-Caribbean community.

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