Amaila Falls hydro project is good for Guyana

Dear Editor,

I read in your newspaper that the construction of the Amaila hydro project would start before year’s end; I must say this is great news, considering the heavy criticisms the government received for this project. Personally, I support anything that is environmentally friendly; hence, this project sparked my interest from the very beginning, and I am quite sure many other Guyanese feel the same way.

So, when some persons were expressing negative views regarding the government’s motive for this project, I was not that bothered, because I know my taxes were going towards a worthwhile project. Now that the project is scheduled to start soon, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Editor, all in all, I believe this hydropower project would be beneficial, since it represents a more dependable and less expensive source of power, which is based on renewable resources. I also understand that it will represent a freeing up of the country from the burden of large oil imports. I am convinced that this is surely the path our country should take to meet its energy needs. Not only would this project be beneficial to the environment, but it will create many jobs for citizens as well as provide more stable power for them.

I would like to urge my fellow Guyanese to be patient with the authorities regarding this project. It is only a matter of time before we begin to see the returns from this massive investment.

Yours truly,

Divya Singh

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