All men should willingly sign that declaration when it reaches them

Dear Editor,

I read in the newspapers, a few days ago, that men and boys of Skeldon signed the ‘Skeldon Declaration’ which promotes non-violent behaviour in relationships and in the homes. Scores of men took a pledge not to abuse women and children, and committed to working with other men in their communities in this regard.

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security and its partners must be commended for spearheading this initiative, which, according to reports, will be taken to other communities across Guyana. 

With an increase in sexual abuse and domestic violence, this is the most opportune time for the authorities to engage both men and women, and to place at their disposal all the services and help government can provide to tackle this upsurge in violence.

I call on all men to be ready and willing to sign this declaration when it comes to their community, as a show of support for a non-violent way of life.

Yours truly,

Baldeo Mathura

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