All in the interest of your children’s education

Dear Editor,

The importance of mathematics and English language has always dominated the education system in most, if not all, English-speaking countries in the world. However, prolonged harsh economic systems in some countries created the conditions for some children of school age to abandon classes and instead hit the streets and hawk, among other things, cigarettes and candy in an effort to assist their parents to cope with exceedingly harsh economic realities. And even Guyana was not spared the reality of those hard times that stalked the nations in those days.

This is a situation that has been transferred from the previous government’s education system to the current government’s education system since it took office in 1992. Many people are reluctant to go back to those days in an effort to find causes for our shortcomings today. I am, however, inclined to do so, because I believe that if a problem exists or becomes a plague, it is important to find the root of that problem; for as long as the root could be determined, then solutions could be found. In like manner, a doctor could best prescribe medication for an ulcer if he finds the cause of it.

Since the incumbent government took office, numerous weaknesses have been identified in the education sector, and several innovations have been made to chart a new way forward; and one of the many initiatives adopted was the introduction of remedial classes for slow learners at both the primary and secondary levels during the summer vacation.

Many students have benefited from this initiative, which has been running for a couple of years now. The remedial classes for this year started last week, and Education Minister Shaik Baksh has rightfully expressed concern about slow learners’ absence from remedial classes.

I am of the view that parents should take up the offer of remedial classes, especially for those children who are slow learners, as this would help them perform better when the new school year begins. This initiative does not cost parents any money, and is designed to improve students’ performances in key concepts in mathematics and English language.

The teachers for remedial classes across the country are being paid a stipend by the Ministry of Education, which is also providing refreshments for students.

I want to urge parents to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for their children, especially since the economic conditions in the country have improved tremendously from then to now, and school children no longer have to eke out a living by hawking cigarettes and candy on the streets when they ought to be in school. They are also now being provided with free uniforms, a situation which takes a burden off the backs of parents.

Let us all help in this process, so we could be proud of our nation’s children.

Yours truly,

Rudy Sinclair

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