Ali tells diaspora local tourism industry on the upswing

Tourism, Industry, and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali assured members of the diaspora that the tourism industry is on the upswing in Guyana. The minister was on a whirlwind visit to North America where he met and addressed several groups of persons about the state of Guyana’s tourism and industrial sectors.

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali

The minister, who focused his discussions on tourism in particular, stressed how Guyana was on the verge of opening the sector through the many events currently organised and implemented. He brought his audiences up to date on the success of the recently held BuildingExpo, and reiterated that plans for the staging of this year’s GuyExpo were well in train, with a number of new initiatives.
The minister also hinted that several overseas government and private sector organisations will be in attendance in the newly-constructed international pavilion.
Countries from as far as Canada are slated to provide exhibits in the areas of building and manufacturing products. Other projects outlined by the minister include a re-focus of the “Main Big Lime” on December 26. He said that new initiatives were being planned such as the layout of booths and products that will be on hand for display and sale.
Emphasis will be placed on art and craft as well as some booths displaying locally produced household items such as cooking utensils and building supplies, since a number of Guyanese had taken the opportunity to secure lands offered for sale by the Housing Ministry, and they would be interested in securing materials for the construction of homes, etc.
This component was being added (even though in a small way) since many Guyanese who would be home for the Christmas Holidays, would not have been present for GuyExpo, neither would they have had an opportunity to explore the acclaimed Building Expo.
Another highlight is the planned “Re-Discover Home” project which started this year, and will continue next year.
The minister also announced that U.S.-based Guyanese broadcaster Bobby Vieira has been contracted by the Tourism Ministry to assist in marketing and promoting Guyana in the diaspora. He said Vieira’s experience primarily in the areas of public relations and awareness creation will be of significant support to the ministry’s initiative of boosting the country’s tourism image internationally.
The minister also hinted at Guyana’s possible elevation within the Caribbean tourism community through its attendance at the upcoming Annual Caribbean Tourism Conference slated for the island of Nevis in October.

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