AFC urges govt/opposition collaboration in fighting poverty

The Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling for the establishment of a tripartite partnership to fight poverty in Guyana.

At the party’s weekly press briefing on Wednesday, its chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan said there is a need for such a partnership to make the country’s economic, political and social transformation evident.

AFC chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan

“Development for Guyana means economic, political and social transformation in the shortest period of time. This transformation implies not only rapid economic growth, but also political and economic freedoms, eradication of poverty, sustainable and eco-friendly use of natural resources, access to opportunities for all ethnic groups, and gender equality,” said the AFC leader.

Pensioners, the disabled, and those in need of social assistance should be the major beneficiaries of assistance coming from the government.

“… we recommend that the PPP government conduct production audits in all the Amerindian villages to help them set up cottage industries in which they have highest productivity and use the resources of the state (the GDF Sky Van) to bring these produce in a timely manner to the coastal markets for resale using the infrastructure of the NEW GMC. Most of these resources should be used to support the pensioners, disabled and those in need of social assistance at heavily discounted prices to survive the battle against poverty, while earning critical dollars for the hardworking Amerindian people…,” he said.

Additionally, Ramjattan said constitutional reform, police reform, ethnic relations reforms as well as other reforms are key to the disbursement of resources evenly to all citizens. He said the three main parties, APNU, AFC and the PPP have to work together to ensure that all persons benefit from the resources of the state. “… the poorest of the poor cannot wait for targeted assistance and thus we must act now by providing real relief immediately, while we conduct our work in parallel channels at the other reforms of national importance,” he told the media.

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