AFC councillor lauds government’s D&I investments at Supenaam

Alliance For Change Councillor Archie Cordis, has said famers are benefiting from the drainage and irrigation investments made by government at Supenaam Creek, Region Two.

Speaking at a recent statutory meeting, Cordis said farmers are reaping the benefits from the millions of dollars spent on improving the drainage network system in the said area.

He said previously farmers were renting lands on the Tiger Bay Island for huge sums due to poor drainage and irrigation in Supenaam Creek. He noted that with the improvements work done, farmers are thankful as they can now save and reinvest in their lands.

Region Two Chairman Ali Baksh said the investments by government were aimed at pushing the “Grow More Food” campaign and that government has invested millions of dollars to dig new drainage in an effort to spur Agriculture development.

Baksh reminded councillors that the huge sums invested under the now closed Poor Rural Community Support Service Programme (PRCSSP) had opened up 300 acres of virgin forested land for agriculture in the Supenaam Creek.

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