AFC continues to attack the Finance Minister

Dear Editor,

The Alliance For Change (AFC) continues its personal attack on Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh with its recent unsubstantiated complaint to the acting Police Commissioner of illegal spending by the Minister and other senior Government officials of some Gy$4.5 billion claimed not to have been approved by the National Assembly. This is yet another nefarious approach by the AFC to gain cheap political points by misleading and misinforming the Guyanese populace.

Embarrassing to note, the AFC has in its armoury a bench of lawyers; however, one will question the competency and integrity of these individuals for misrepresenting the Constitution in a bid to justify their lust for power and signalling their intent by way of a “no-confidence motion” on the Government.

After a barrage of personal attacks on Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee by the Opposition, in particular the AFC, they have now launched a vicious campaign against the Finance Minister. Fresh in our minds too should be the Linden and Agricola protests orchestrated by the same party and only a few days ago, their leaders using innocent rice farmers to execute their snide political agenda on the Essequibo Coast.

The AFC must come clean with Guyanese and let them know there is no real substance behind the allegations levelled at the Minister and other officials, instead only cheap politicking. Guyanese are not fools! Our Constitution is no secret as it states clearly in Article 218 3(b) that the Minister is acting within his rights in the execution of his duty to the Guyanese people.

Further, the AFC must not only mention the amount (Gy$4.5 billion) but also where it was spent and on whom. The answer is clear and straightforward, every cent was spent on developmental projects so that our people can continue to live prosperous and progressive lives. It was used to make ordinary people’s lives better; the very men and women our friends in the AFC will seek support from come elections time.

One must wonder too, why there were no formal complaints in 2012 and 2013, but in 2014 that coincides with their intent of a “no-confidence motion”. Are we to believe that these are the people who want to govern this country when their policy is to deceive the electorate?

The Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) refutes the claims of the Opposition that the Finance Minister’s actions are un-constitutional. On the other hand, WPO would like to commend the Minister for releasing the budgetary allocation for developmental projects aiming to improve the living conditions of our people, especially the women of Guyana.

Respectfully submitted,

WPO, Freedom House

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