Dr Leslie Ramsammy
The Alliance For Change (AFC), led by Khemraj Ramjattan, has betrayed sugar workers, Agriculture Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy said as he lashed out at both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) over talks to shut down the ailing sugar industry.
In a press statement late Wednesday night, Dr Ramsammy said AFC’s move to endorse APNU’s position on the closure of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), is a clear indication of AFC’s betrayal.
“The AFC and APNU see a future for Guyana without sugar and if they are given an opportunity to determine Guyana’s future, they will close down GuySuCo and deprive thousands of a job and of a living,” he said.
Minister Ramsammy said prior to the 2011 General Elections, both the AFC and APNU told sugar workers that they would have increase their pay by 20 per cent once given the opportunity to govern the country. He said this proposal was made at a time when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was offering six per cent. Despite the opposition’s position, the Agriculture Minister made it clear that the PPP/C sees a Guyana where sugar is still playing an integral role in the country’s economy.
“The PPP/C will stand firmly behind GuySuCo and with the sugar workers of Guyana. We have, and we will continue to invest resources as much as we can to ensure that GuySuCo is a major part of Guyana’s development. This was our position yesterday; it is our position today, and will be our position tomorrow.”