Additional measures need to be taken to curb drunk driving

Dear Editor,

Just recently, three school students were victims of a road accident, after an intoxicated driver proceeded to knock them down while manoeuvring his vehicle.

Driving under the influ ence (DUI) has, for some time, been an atrocious habit of many people in Guyana.

Some drivers physically go into bars and shops and have a few drinks before getting behind the wheel; others simply drink while they are driving.

People who sell alcohol must display some amount of concern, common sense, and responsibility. They must refuse to sell people who appear under the influence of alcohol.

Additionally, those who sell to already intoxicated persons should be charged. In many countries, it is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone who shows signs of being visibly intoxicated. We must consider implementing proper laws to address individuals guilty of DUI and also one which will implicate individuals who serve alcohol to such persons.

Too many lives have been claimed on Guyana’s roadways and so it is imperative that we seek such additional measures to curb drunk driving and those who contribute to such occurrences.

Yours respectfully,

Kwesi Joseph


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