Guyana is an ideal destination for small cruisers and yachts since it boasts some of the most wonderful sites in the world.
The area designated for yachting is about 40 miles up the Essequibo River. It is an area with ideal anchorage for yachts that is central to the small vibrant town of Bartica, which stands at the junction of the Essequibo and Mazaruni rivers.
‘Cruising Guide to Guyana’ by Chris Doyle gives full details on sailing to Guyana. According to Doyle in his guide, the Essequibo is an attractive area for yachting. In his book he describes suitable locations along Essequibo River accessible to the yachts.
“Yachting tourism in Guyana is still in its infancy. It will appeal to those adventurous souls who wish to visit somewhere really off the beaten track. Unlike the Caribbean, this will be a real adventure,” Doyle stated in his book.
A copy can be purchased by emailing sailorsguide@hotmail.com or visit Doyle’s website at www.doyleguides.com or www.cruisingguides.com or call the Guyana Tourism Authority on 219 0094-6 for more information.