‘A World of Thanks’ event organised to honour Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo

A group of private citizens has organised a grand appreciation day to honour the outstanding contribution of President Bharrat Jagdeo to the development of Guyana. The gala event, titled “A World of Thanks,” is expected to attract thousands of Guyanese from all walks of life, and is set for the Guyana National Stadium on Friday, September 16.

Briefing the media on Saturday, September 10, organisers dismissed speculation that the event is a political one.

President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), Carvil Duncan, said the idea is supported by the trade union fraternity, and he is convinced that the event would be supported by workers throughout Guyana.

“We have concluded that in the past we always honour our citizens, and most importantly, our heroes, when they are dead; hence we decided that, on this occasion, we are going to change the landscape of that thinking and we are going to honour a person when they are alive,” Duncan said.

He is hopeful that this marks the beginning of a historic trend that the future generations could follow.

The panel at the press conference included representatives from the entertainment industry and religious organisations. Kerwin Bollers of Hits and Jams Entertainment informed reporters that his company’s contributions will include a “celebarathon” on Thursday night, September 15, when persons in that industry and others will speak on President Jagdeo’s contribution to their respective fields. Hits and Jams Entertainment will also provide technical support to the September 16 event.

Bollers believes that President Jagdeo is worthy of such commendation. “I always recall, being in the entertainment business, a couple years ago the president held a symposium in which all the entertainers were invited, and he said, ‘We really wanna help the entertainment business from the government aspect’, and he made some commitments; and I am happy that, to date, he delivered on all those commitments,” the DJ stated.

He opined that, since then, the local entertainment industry has “taken off”, with the country being a front runner in this respect.

Shaik Zakir Khan of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) supported this view, and explained that his religion encourages support for events such as a “World of Thanks”.

“(One of) the great sayings of our Prophet is that if you cannot thank a man for the work he has done who is in front of you, then you will not be able to thank the Creator, who is unseen. As such, the CIOG continues and will continue in the future recognising works done by great personalities of our country,” he said. The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, in a release, said it supports the occasion and will be participating in the event.

The Sabha, too, expressed its deep appreciation to the president for his outstanding contribution to Guyana.

Bishop Juan Edghill of the Christian community, who chaired the briefing, said the event is set to begin at 15:00h on Friday, September 16, and organisers believe that it will reflect a high level of patriotism in Guyana, as thousands of citizens from various parts of the country are eager to participate.

Another committee member, Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali, who is operating in his capacity as a private citizen, said, “The mere fact that you see a coming together of civil society tells a big story, and that story is that the president has been able to touch every single segment of our society.

“This unification, I believe, will be one of the proudest moments that we all (will share, with) the various sectors working together around one table to bring together this event”. In justifying the staging of such an event amidst criticisms, Ali said Jagdeo has led Guyana through the toughest of times. “It’s going to be the single largest crowd assembled in this country, all to do one thing: not to send a political message, not to send an individual message, but to say “Thank you” to a man who has led this country through the worst financial crisis, through the worst natural disasters of the world, and through the worst fuel and food crises of the world,” Irfaan Ali stated.

Responding to questions from the media on the financing of the event, Ali explained that the event is not state-sponsored.

According to him, it is being run solely on the input and voluntary contributions of citizens whose lives have been touched in one way or another by the Guyanese leader.

The event will start with a cultural presentation, and will include voluntary performances by a long list of local dancers and singers.

The Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force will also each be playing their part, with the former putting on a drill display and the latter a parachuting exercise.

The programme is expected to formally begin at 15:00h with tributes to the head of state, a response, and the evening culminating with fireworks.

Jagdeo was one of the world’s youngest leaders when he assumed the presidency of Guyana some 12 years ago. Young and still full of potential, the president, who served for two and a half terms, will demit office owing to the expiration of his constitutional term limit. The law that allows the executive president to serve only two terms was approved by Jagdeo himself.

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