A welcome decision on prayers in Guyana’s public schools

Dear Sir,

A recent article in the newspapers titled “Government to Review Christian Prayers in Public Schools” has caught my attention and I must heartily congratulate Minister of Education Dr Rupert Roopnarine for taking a most “educated” stance on this long-standing travesty.

At the same time one wonders why previous Governments with leading Pandits in their midst and having a more than warm relationship with leaders of the Muslim community have not seen it fit to correct this anomalous situation a full 49 years after independence.

I remember well my days at a certain Government school where the deputy Headmistress used the auditorium to carry on Christian prayers sessions without even paying a fee. While at the very school Hindus were given a difficult time to get permission to observe Holi for example or to conduct Havans.

It is my humble view that the Hindus and Muslims have only themselves to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs due mainly to a lack of any serious overt activism to force the change that Dr Roopnarine has now announced.

I therefore ask Dr Roopnarine to immediately send instructions to the Heads of all Government schools that the practice of reciting Christian prayers only must cease and if prayers are to be said they should be general/generic in nature.

Another possible alternative is to have short prayers from the three major religions be read on a daily basis which may be the preferred option for many.

I look forward to further definitive announcements on this matter by the learned Honourable Minister of Education in early course.


Yours sincerely,

Chris Persaud

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