By Vishnu Bisram

Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan Mandir
I was in London last month and was privileged to visit the Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan (MLVB) temple led by Guyanese Bankim Gossai, brother of the late popular pandit, Prakash Goosai. One gets a heavenly, inspirational feeling when entering the mandir, a divine feeling that is hard to describe. Others who visited the mandir revealed similar experiences.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles were impressed with the mandir and its spiritual leader. They were intrigued about the mandir and wanted to know more about how such a wonderful atmosphere had been developed, explained one of the executives.
Pandit Bankim is loved by worshipers who come from diverse places in Africa, India, and the Caribbean.
At the mandir, Pandit Bankim sets the stage for utmost devotion. As in New York, where Prakash-ji was called “guru-ji”, in London Bankim is also fondly called “guru-ji” (meaning teacher).
Religious leader
Pandit Bankim is highly respected. This is hardly surprising as Bankim-ji is an outstanding, effective religious leader who exemplifies simplicity and who does not demonstrate any arrogant traits. Similar to his late brother he goes all out to help people in distress. In fact, he feels a heightened need to help people who are experiencing a personal problem or a crisis in life. And as a spiritual leader, he demands high standards and ethics from followers.
Bankim Gossai is an outstanding pandit who is a joy to listen to. He is very knowledgeable about the scriptures just like his late brother, and he interprets the scriptures with utmost simplicity applying the teachings to real life and for the modern age.
True in form
The mandir’s mission statement is, “Working to enhance, serve and preserve”, and based on my observation, Bankim- ji is true to form (either through himself or getting others) addressing people’s needs and helping them overcome emotional problems.
The mandir was founded on the eve of Diwali 1982 by a small group of devoted Hindus from various countries who felt the need for a Hindu organisation to address their religious yearnings.
They felt a need for an organisation to propagate, practise, enhance and preserve Hinduism in the UK. In 1982, four resolute devotees Shri Bankim Gossai, Shri Ramesh Charan, Shri Moti Sukhlal, and Shri Y N Singh formed what they called a “cottage service” as it was a small and informal fellowship.
The format included a pooja and reading from the Ramayana. The moving mandir functioned at temporary locations under the name Maha Lakshmi Satsang (MLS) performing services at peoples’ homes and at rented spaces. The members held discourses in their homes on the first Saturday of every month and travelled to different counties in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and throughout England.
Permanent location
In 1991, the Satsang was registered as a charity in the UK with four trustees to conduct and manage its affairs. On the eve of Diwali 1994, a building fund was launched.
In 1999, the organisation acquired a building as its permanent location in Forest Hills, just outside of London proper and changed its name to Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan.
The organisers held several fundraisers to pay for the cost of acquiring the building as well as to cover its operating costs.
That building was gradually transformed to a lovely mandir attracting a lot of worshippers of varied ethnic backgrounds. It has been holding regular services on Sundays as well as on auspicious days in the Hindu calendar and on special occasions as desired by members.
Through MLVB, Hindus who migrated to the UK have a religious home where they can worship. The mandir also serves as a building for weddings and other events in keeping with the faith of its members.
The MLVB is offering a variety of social services to Hindus and non-Hindus alike – such as supporting women’s concerns and issues, dealing with youth emergencies and family situations, assisting the aged and needy, and helping those with legal, financial and medical issues, among others.
Worldwide recognition
The MLVB is enjoying worldwide recognition earning kudos for its humanitarian activities.
In 2005, Bankim and then President of the Mandir Ramesh Charan conducted Ramayana Satsang and pooja as part of Diwali celebrations in the House of Commons. Shri Bankim Gossai himself was decorated with the Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) by the Queen.
The founders of MLVB are to be applauded for their hard work, dedication, sacrifices and service in the UK. They willingly gave of their time and deserve the highest recognition.
It is with great devotion and the steadfast efforts and zeal of the trustees and the congregation that the mandir is achieving its goal. Bankim and the members are to be commended for their efforts at trying to uplift lives in UK.