A vindictive act

Dear Editor,

Recently, much has been said by some of the opposition members of Parliament about the former presidents’ pension package. My first reaction to this would be; what nonsense! Only in Guyana would such a thing be tolerated. Nowhere else in the world is such petty, nasty and vindictive politics being practiced.

Editor, not only were these politicians engaged in spreading lies and creating mischief about the benefits former presidents will enjoy, but they sought to give the impression that this is a “Jagdeo pension package”. I can’t seem to accept the reason for all the fuss about former presidents getting a decent pension. Of course all of them, including Mr Jagdeo, would have served the country well and deserve to be reasonably rewarded. I urge my fellow Guyanese to do the research and see what benefits and pensions other Caribbean leaders enjoy.

But I have one thing to say, I believe that is a vindictive act by the detractors to get back at president Jagdeo. I urge them to leave this highly respected public servant alone and if they are really serious about development, cooperate with the authorities in tackling the more critical issues affecting Guyanese. This is what the people expect to see.


Yours truly,

K Kassim

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