A very timely warning by the president

Dear Editor,

In what could be regarded as a very forceful and on target address to the National Assembly, President Donald Ramotar recently warned that his administration will not be held at ransom by any “intractable posture by the opposition” while stressing the importance of the House working together in the best interest of all citizens.

“As willing however as my government is to exercise patience, forbearance, and reasonableness in the interest of all of our people, my administration will not be held ransom to intractable postures,” the president was quoted in sections of the media as saying in his inaugural speech to the National Assembly.

Editor, I am very happy that the president came out and made that statement as I am sure it sent a clear message to the entire opposition that the government will not be bullied by their (APNU and AFC) actions.

I must admit that supporters of the PPP/ C and even others were beginning to get the impression that the government is weak. The government was given a mandate to govern and this is what they must do, at the same time in consultation and partnership with the opposition as they also represent a huge segment of the population that voted for them.

Indeed the 10th Parliament has been convened in a very challenging period in the country’s history as for the first time we are faced with a situation in which no party has an absolute majority. This is why it is necessary for the various MPs to act with much maturity and common sense in order to avoid gridlock.

As was rightfully pointed out by the president: “To move forward will call for maturity. If we are to avoid gridlock and inertia, political cooperation in the interest of the development of Guyana must exist. This is the reality that we face.”

Of course there would be differences amongst parliamentarians on different sides of the House, but good sense must prevail to ensure that the end result is one that would be beneficial to every Guyanese. Editor, I am convinced that we have the capacity to rise to this challenge.

The opposition should take note of the president’s appeal for common ground to be found. Ramotar said that within his administration, there is the political will to ensure that the people of the country are put first.

I should mention that the government has already committed to regular engagements with the parliamentary parties, and through these engagements, it is hoped that we can continue to nurture political trust and create an enabling climate for consensus building.

While I do not want to be too naïve to think that everything will be all fine, I hope that the president’s words will be taken seriously as in my view he has set the framework for both sides of the house to move the agenda of parliament forward.

Yours sincerely,

Ramsingh Jaipaul

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