A unique resort for nature lovers

Pomeroon River on the way to the resort

Adel’s Rainforest Resort is located on 60 acres of fertile land in the North-West section of Guyana. It is about 15 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Akawini Creek of the Pomeroon River, in the heart of Amerindian lands.
The Akawini region is primarily raw, pristine jungle. Only two per cent is cultivated land. This paradise is abundant with exotic wildlife, rich fishing and a variety of tropical flowering plants, vines and fruit trees. The landscape ranges for miles; transforming from lush rainforest to open savannah to fertile agricultural lands. There are numerous species of tropical birds and local vegetation, which make the area unique.
The resort, comprising three buildings with comfortable facilities, is a perfect location for nature lovers. They can enjoy clean air, peace and tranquillity at this secluded eco-lodge.
Organically grown vegetables, free-range chickens and their eggs boost Adel’s health and eco-conscious lifestyle. Guests have an open invitation to select, pick and eat fruits and vegetables from the gardens at the resort.
Additionally, guests can purchase several locally-made products, including cassava bread, preserved fruits, pepper sauce, cassareep and other food products.
Nature walks led by indigenous guides are also available, and additional places of interest to visit such as an Amerindian settlement can be arranged. For those wanting more adventure, they can enjoy canoeing on the Pomeroon River, and/or arrange for night activities.
The resort also works to help the surrounding communities. It offers a variety of employment opportunities for local villagers. Local people manage the resort and provide most of the services, including cooking and guided tours. The resort is also working on reviving the local basket weaving tradition by sponsoring local artisans, and selling the baskets at the resort.
There are several demonstrations available of local traditions, and there are opportunities to learn about the indigenous way of life. Guests can enjoy community members demonstrating how to make cassava bread. The local community contributes its knowledge of the forest and environment, making the experience at the resort an unforgettable one.

View of the resort from the boat


The rainforest resort

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