A sucker gon always suck

Old habits does die hard. When a dog accustom to suck egg and eat yard fowl and yard duck, he does never stop. No matter whah yuh cook and give he to eat, he does always suck egg. He gon always be a egg sucker. He gon always eat out people fowl and duck in dem yard. And even when he belly full, he gon still want to eat more fowl and duck and suck more egg.

It got some people stay just like that. Dem got old habits hauntin dem fuh dem whole life. No matter how hard dem try, dem can’t break out de old habits. De mayor-fuh-life Green Ham is one of dem. De old habit of bein scraven fuh power can’t get outta he system. It reach so bad that he get drunk wid wantin power. It tek de actin town clerk Carol Sober to sober he up.

Is de same wid a soup drinker. He gon always be a soup drinker. A bamzee licker gon always lick bamzee. A sucker gon always be a sucker, no matter whah or who dem does suck. One of dem boys who seh dem is boys, but dem is not boys although dem does dress like boys to fool people, admit to de suckin habit among all dem boys.

No matter how much dem boys break, dem can’t break that habit. De suckin habit deh all de way up, or down dependin on who it is, to Mook Lall and de headitor-in-brief.

That is why de Mook and de headitor-in-brief so vex and bitter nowadays. Dem accustom to suckin guvament, but dem can’t suck guvament no more.

De headitor-in-brief suck from Burnt Ham to Green Ham till one dead and de other dry. Now he suckin de Mook and de Mook suckin back. And Mook Lall suck a lotta poor Guyanese and tek dem money fuh backtrack till dem bank account dry. Dem two boys does suck so hard that dem even try to suck GEE- R- A and de EM & CC. Ting-a-ling- a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! But dem gon soon end up far in de Mazaruni. And dem might end up becomin suckers- fuh life right deh!

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