A song did seh where lying could put yuh!

According to old people, it gat some who, “de more dem get, is de more dem want” That come to de BC mind after hearing what David seh de other day. De “Hands Up” and Coconut Tree party boss seh that, using de one-seat extra, he gon find ways fuh “sanction” de national TV station. He seh de reason fuh that is because he party not getting access to de station! Everybody know that it gat certain things yuh can’t lie about. Yuh can’t tell people that water not wet or ice ain’t cold or that minibuses don’t speed or that de attacks pun de twin tower in NY on September 11 didn’t happen or that de “mukracker” owner gat a university degree. Right away dem gon know yuh lie.
Yuh could try lying to dem about other things like Sammy deserve he place in de West Indies team or that Hammie does actually clean de city or that Khemraj ain’t gat a vendetta or that de “big” lawyer plan fuh pay he taxes without court intervention.
But again, like all lies, people gon know is not de truth, just like how dem know that David is not truthful about being denied access to de national TV! People seeing he pun de news and dem know that he party was invited fuh be part of de debates. Carl turn up and after that David pull de plug and seh he party would no longer tek part! People want fuh know if David decide that he not going to de TV after getting access through de debates, den how come he can truthfully seh he getting denied! He deny heself! Dem seh from de time dem hear what he seh, dem know was lie just like how de “mukracker” owner does seh that he paper does practice fair and professional journalism! Some who gat a “soft spot” fuh David start praying fuh he after dem hear what he seh because dem remember a certain song seh where people could “end up” when dem speak untruth! Apparently, de heat here is nothing compare to de heat “there” and all de ice from de arctic can’t cool it down! People sehing fuh sure de more ice yuh get “there” is de more yuh gon want! Dem who know seh that is one thing yuh can’t lie about! Ting-a- ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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