A rose may be a rose…

…but when is a Ministry a ministry?

When your humble Eyewitness was in school, his lecturers tried to teach him about a philosophical concept called “nominalism”. Which is to say – if memory serves him right – there aren’t any things called, say, “chairs” – just particular, individual chairs… or trees or whatever. In other words, there are no “universals”, just particulars.

It seems the APNU/AFC crowd has some nominalists in their ranks. Take their claim that there isn’t any “Ministry of Social Cohesion” – just a “Minister of Social Cohesion”. Which in this case is the person of Amna Ally. On what platform is Minister Ally then Ministering? Can there be a Minister without a Ministry? Some letter writer said there is, in reality, only a “Department of Social Cohesion” within the Ministry of the Presidency. (Which is headed by a Minister of State and not Minister of the Presidency!) But doesn’t that make Ms Ally a Department Head?

But then she’s getting the salary (including the 60 per cent increase!) that all the “Ministers” receive. Can a Department Head get a Minister’s pay? Your Eyewitness is even more confused than when he was in school parsing the meaning of “nominalism”. But it’s clear he’s not as confused as the members of this government. And it all has to do with this “naming business”.

Take “Prime Minister” Nagamootoo. (“Pleeeease!!”) What exactly in his title gives him the right to interject himself into the end Budget Debate between the Opposition Leader and the Finance Minister? What exactly is he “Prime” of? Is it like he believes he’s the most “important” Minister and so can push himself on other people’s turf? But is he even a Minister?

He should remember, according to nominalism, there are no “universal” thing called “Minister”… just Ministers with line responsibilities and Ministries to help them carry out their responsibilities. So since the “Prime” Minister doesn’t have any line responsibilities, according to the President, he can’t really be a Minister, can he? Is a lamp a lamp if it doesn’t give off light? Nagamootoo’s no Minister.

What your Eyewitness is forced to conclude is he’s actually just a “prime”. In these philosophical matters you have to think outside the box. Maybe “prime” is being used as a verb – Nagamootoo’s been “primed”? For what? You ask, dear reader? Well, we’ve seen the fella in action during the Budget debate. The man’s definitely primed with hot air, among other things.

The hot air issues through his mouth, whenever he speaks. The other stuff, through other orifices. He’s full of it!

…but can unity be a part or a whole?

Your Eyewitness is also confused about this whole “unity” business the APNU/AFC coalition’s been pushing. After they got into power, they announced “unity” had been achieved with the 11 per cent the AFC was supposed to have delivered to APNU’s 42 per cent. But since their total votes was a tad over 50 per cent someone didn’t really deliver their promise, did they? However, “unity” was declared.

This “unity” was hailed far and wide. In fact when the incumbent US Ambassador Halloway was being confirmed before the Senate, he boasted about the said unity that was achieved in his prospective posting! And he hadn’t even set foot on our dear Mudland, then!

But President Granger soon allowed he was still seeking the government of “national unity” with the PPP, he’d mentioned before the election. Evidently conceding the AFC coalition hadn’t delivered Guyana into that Nirvana/Holy Grail.

But folks thought he might’ve been speaking with his tongue firmly in his cheek: he appointed Moses Nagamootoo to broker the “unity”!!

…but can Moses merge the Red Sea?

This weekend, Pressie pointed out the PPP’s support base was neck and neck with his and he’s still seeking that elusive “unity”.

But can Moses, “persecuted” by the sea of red, communists in the PPP for not being Hindu, arrange the merger?

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