‘A Passion for Fashion’

….Designer Nelsion Nurse

By Lakhram Bhagirat

Nelsion Nurse, a name you must have heard while watching the live broadcasts of the annual Mashramani Costume and Float Parade since he is more than often responsible for the extravagant pieces on display. However, Nelsion is not only a costume designer rather he is involved in every aspect of the fashion industry.
Nevertheless, according to Nelsion he never had his eyes set on being a part of the creative industry rather he has and still does have his eyes on a career in veterinary medicine. His love for animals, have over the years, led him to have non-traditional pets such as snakes, caimans and tarantulas. Nelsion’s first job was at a Pet Store but because of his love for costume designing, he was forced to leave that job and enter into an industry where his place was uncertain.
The 30 year old recalls his childhood in Albertown, Georgetown as one that was spent mostly indoors since he was never fond of sports or outdoor games. His mother being a seamstress and a single parent meant that Nelsion and his siblings spent their August vacations tacking buttons on orders or hemming.
“How I got involved in fashion/ creative thing is normally during the August holiday my mom was a single parent and she was a seamstress so during august while everyone was outside we had to be indoors helping with sewing. I did that during my school days and I am grateful for that because that is what trickled the little creativity in me.”
While a student at the St John’s College, Nelsion was further introduced to the creative industry when he was asked to design a costume for the Headstart Nursery School in 2001. He was just a second former at that time and did not even know his piece would be part of a competition but was pleasantly surprised when he was awarded third place. Two years later would see him copping the top award and since then he has been dominating costume-designing scene copping most of the two awards.
“A lot of people said that (leaving a steady job) was making a mistake. But I can look back now based on the progress I have made I don’t have any regrets,” he said. 


With a solid background in costume designing, Nelsion’s transition into the world of high fashion was imminent. He recalls that not being satisfied with the way pants were made in the Dominican Republic, while being a missionary with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, led him into the world of high fashion. After returning home in 2009, Nelsion met with local fashion designer Sonia Noel who urged him to be a part of the Guyana Fashion Week and he did. He launched his first collection called “Patches” and not only won the hearts of the fashion savvy but also copped most promising young designer award.
“Beauty is in simplicity and for me I am all about making creative yet simple designs,” he noted.
Like everyone in the fashion industry, Nelsion feels that not much is being done to further develop the industry.
“Everything I do have a story. I love using white and most times my designs are not extravagant because I believe that beauty is in simplicity. I would say that I am a more of a realistic designer because most times people would make haute couture and with our culture and climate, it is not realistic.”
Nelsion has taken a break from the industry and is now focused on further developing his brand “Nandre’s Kreation” which focuses on not only fashion but also interior decorating as well. Nevertheless, you can expect a comeback fashion show from Nelsion by the end of 2018 or early 2019. “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it and a little more dance to it,” according to Nelsion. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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