A mother’s cry for justice

“My grandson would’ve been five years old this December because he was four when he got the accident. Presently, we miss him very much and because of that we won’t be celebrating Mother’s Day this year.” These were the sad words of Ms. Bibi Nazmoon, grandmother of Ramkaran Mohan, who was tragically killed in a car accident, last year, when he was just four years old.
The little boy’s life was snuffed out on the faithful morning of March 15, 2017 just a short distance away from his Lot 1088 Tushcen New Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) home.
On a day like any other, Ramkaran was reportedly playing joyfully with his brother and teenage uncle; the three were on their way to a shop obliquely opposite their home to purchase a ball when tragedy struck. A woman, who according to witnesses, was known to be a reckless driver, was on that day speeding-as per normal.
The unsuspecting lad, who was standing in the corner of the road with his uncle, who was holding him and his brother’s hands waiting for the woman to pass, was hooked by the speeding vehicle, motorcar PVV5084, which reportedly swerved into the corner of the road. The child was then run over and dragged by the vehicle. After the horrific incident, the teenage uncle then ran behind the woman to signal her to stop. It was only then that she saw the little boy and realised what had happened. The injured child was then quickly picked up and rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Ramkaran’s parents had no clue as to the tragedy which had befallen their family; it was only after the child was already on his way to the hospital, that were they informed.

The four-year-old victim’s classmates joined the call for justice after his tragic passing . (Samuel Maughn photo)

Distraught and in disbelief, the family quickly rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital however, they were unaware that it was already too late. The boy had died. The young lad was buried a week later following a heart rendering funeral service.
For the family, no amount of time will heal their wounds or fill the void left, as Ramkaran’s absence is felt every day. It is particularly difficult on holidays, and mother’s day is no exception.
The young lad’s grandmother explained just how difficult the last few months have been, she said, “Actually, we don’t celebrate no occasion anymore. Since we lost that child, we’re not celebrating any occasion. The family is in state of mourning because we’re not getting justice. He was a joyous child and the light of this house because he was a very loving, caring and joyful child to us. Since that child gone from us, we don’t know what life is because the house is dull.”
The time has also done nothing to assuage the family’s anger and desire for justice on behalf of little Mohan. According to Ms. Nazmoon, the wound in their hearts, especially his mother , only widens as they continue to wait for justice .
She explained, “Presently, nothing is coming out of the case. We’re just back and forth trying to understand what is happening. We have tried many ways of getting justice. I went to the police and they said that the case is before the court and that they have to wait on the judge to fix a date. They said they have to get a 12 member jury to try the case in court. We cannot wait anymore for the case to be finished.”
While the time passes, the love that the family has for little Ramkarran Mohan continues to endure. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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