A mook and a crook all in one

The world got all kinda people. Guyana got all kinda people  too. After all, Guyana is part of de world. But Guyana got de best combination of people in de world. This country got de best all in one mook and crook in de world.

If de Guinness Book of World Records and Grammy Awards used to recognise mooks and crooks, Guyana woulda win this every year since 1994. That is when a crook and a mook show up at de same time pun Saffon Street coming from de market side. And dem was de same person.

De crook run a man outta he own country from he own newspaper and tek every ting over from paper to press to people. De crook was accustom to runnin people outta de country anyway. But dem used to have to pay he fuh that.

It was de first time de crook end up payin some body to run dem outta de country. But then again, whah he had promise to pay, he didn’t pay. Only crooks does do that and don’t end up wid four concrete walls around dem with a lil iron grill window at de top.

Most people does focus on becomin one ting, or have one major goal in dem mind whah dem want to achieve in life. Every other ting does fall in behind. Is not a easy ting to be two people at de same time.

Old people does call that two face. De doctors does call that split personality. But some people tek two face and mek it a lifestyle and a career. Yuh don’t even know yuh talkin to two people at de same time.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! But all crooks does have to operate like that. Dem does be one ting in de day and another ting in de night. People know whah de crook does do in de day. But ask de mook whah he does do when night come!


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