A man getting zero fuh “dictation!”

Remember de subject ‘dictation’ where de teacher use to just stand up and talk and you had fuh write? With every word yuh spell wrong, yuh use to lose a mark. Some even use to spell “a” wrong! Sometimes de teacher even use to spell some words wrong too, and even though he/ she wrong, dem still use to dictate and impose that how dem spell, is right.
Well, some of that still around; de “ rong dictation” that is. De other day a key man from de “key” party noted how outraged he was at Uncle Donald fuh sehin that he (de Prezie) wouldn’t sign any bill that de government ain’t gat input to. De “key” man was upset and seh constitutional crisis gon erupt if Uncle Donald ain’t sign. Plenty people now outrage at de man statement! Dem see it as dictating fuh de Prezie and want fuh know how de “key” man can do that!
During de same outrage that he burst, de same “key” man also seh that de country is free and democratic! De question people asking is how come Uncle Donald ain’t free to say what he want and do what he want to do! Some ain’t forget that this is de same “key” man who does be sehin that democracy ain’t exist here!
Some seh de man confuse because he sehin different things every time. Others seh he just using democracy fuh he convenience! People seh dem can’t really understand what de man trying fuh say about “constitutional crisis” since is he party that support de budget cuts and all de others things that going on in de House that could lead to a crisis! In other words, dem sehin he help initiate a possible crisis and trying fuh pass blame pun de Prezie if he don’t sign! He even seh that de Prezie holding de nation hostage! People sehin that is a clear case of de “key” man being wrong and trying fuh dictate and if dem fuh “mark” he, he gon get de number that come before one! Dem asking who mek all dem now affected workers, hostage of de cuts! Dem know is not de Prezie. Dem seh de “key” man actions is just like lil boys who like mek mischief and pass de blame pun others. Some calling it “dictation bullies!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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