A level playing field Guyanese say everyone should pay the same rate for electricity

Following the recent move by the government to increase the electricity tariff for Lindeners, who have for many years been enjoying subsidised rates and who use about three times more than other consumers on the national grid, protest actions evolved over the issue.
Lindeners were paying Gy$5 and Gy$15 dollars a kilowatt hour, compared to the Gy$65 which most Guyanese are paying. However, many citizens from other parts of Guyana are not in favour of Linden continuing to enjoy reduced rates while they are being billed at Gy$65 per kilowatt hour.
The following are some of their views:

Hemnauth Rooplall: They should not be paying less and the other parts of Guyana paying more, this is nonsense we should all pay one rate for electricity across the board.
Janell Williams: Lindeners should pay the same rate as us and therefore, I welcome the gradual increase for them however I think the system should be evaluated after six months to determine if they can afford to pay or if the system will need further revision.
Esther Persaud: The system should be fair to everyone, not one side paying more and the other paying less for the same service, no matter what the situation is we all have to make sacrifices to pay our electricity at the end of month bill and therefore they should do the same.
Rohit Ramdial: It’s unfair for the rest of the country to pay more for electrify and Linden paying less, this should not be, we pay for what we use and so should they, fair must be fair.
Angelica Browne: The system needs to be fair to everyone because we all have to work for our money and the same way we are managing our money and the amount of electricity we use they should do the same.
Brian Clark: It should be a general rate across the board for everyone, not one side paying more and the other less, this should be same.
Mohan Singh: I believe in democracy, and if indeed we have democracy in Guyana then we should all pay the same for electricity and should not be given any preferential rate because of ifs and buts, this should not be, one rate is one rate.
Sandra Trotman: We should all pay the same rate not one set of people paying more and the other set paying less, the system needs to be fair and equal to all of us because we are all Guyanese living in one country.
Puram Mathura: All of us should pay the same rate because no matter what the situation is at the end of month we have to pay and so should they, it should be one equal rate across the country. (Photos by GINA)

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