A Dream to beautify

By Venessa Deosaran

In the fashion world, every woman knows that accessories are paramount to an outfit. The problem is, while they can be found almost anywhere, the right accessories are still hard to put together. Sure, you can throw together any little thing, mix and match and look ‘ok’; but looking chic is an art, and this is where Ashaka King plays a pivotal role.
Ashaka has parlayed her gifted sense of fashion into becoming a fashion stylist – a long-time dream she is very passionate about.
Many know her by her alias ‘Saxon’ or more popularly as the brain behind the quickly growing accessory line ‘Pieces & Things’- a brand that is swiftly becoming a household name for fashion fanatics countrywide.
For more than a year, this 22-year-old American-based Guyanese has been contributing to the local fashion scene by providing Guyanese women with voguish accessories – many currently being worn in the fashion capitals of the world.
The idea to start an accessory provider line came to her at just 16. With parents who were both entrepreneurs, Ashaka was groomed to think like a businesswoman, so she knew that she could come up with an idea that would fit her personality. That idea came to her one day while touring the streets of New York City.
“One day I stumbled across ‘Accessory Haven’ in the US, and it hit me. I always thought accessories made the outfit and I didn’t see such things in Guyana, so I thought that I should provide it; and through ‘Pieces and Things’, which is my vision and my baby, I can do this,” King said to Guyana Times Sunday Magazine.

Ashaka believes a ring which makes a statement nicely adds to an outfit
Ashaka King
Former Miss Guyana World Dessia Clarke rocking a signature ‘Pieces and Things’ necklace
The stylist wearing one of her favourite pieces

After toying with the name for her brand, she finally registered it in 2009 to make ‘Pieces & Things’ an official accessory providing business. Ashaka adds her own person flair to her signature accessories with the focus of beautifying outfits and ultimately the individuals wearing them.
Ashaka knows success doesn’t come easily, as she and her head retail agent, Guyanese Joelle McAllister, have invested many hours trying to market the ‘Pieces & Things’ brand. Ashaka noted that dreams can come true only by hard work.
For the last year, Ashaka and Joelle, who are both currently studying business related subjects at university level, have been working hard to build a clientele. Ashaka is thankful for social media- such as Facebook, because it helps significantly in marketing her brand. She urges women with businesses to seek out such networks as they serve as great forums for advertising their products.
Ashaka’s dream of taking her brand to different heights is coming true. It is now very popular with fashion designers Keisha Edwards, Olympia Small-Sonaram and Rhonda Dunbar. The brand is also an official sponsor of this year’s ‘JamZone Summer Break’ activities. Ashaka disclosed she will be teaming up with fashion doyenne Keisha Edwards in December to be featured in a fashion show called ‘Bits & Pieces’.
The fashionista is currently working on a website to help facilitate her growing customer base. Coupled with the feedback and the support her customers have been giving her, Ashaka is confident that she is on the right path to fulfilling her dream.
Ashaka knows that being fashion forward can be taxing on wallets, and that is why her accessories are extremely affordable since they cater to women of various economic classes.
It is easy to see how very passionate Ashaka is when she talks about her brand. “I love when people express that they like the stuff; I don’t care who it is. If I can reach the prince and the pauper then I know I am doing something well,” she confessed.
The mix and match expert said she would like to create a charm necklace line – one of her favourite accessories. “I have a knack for fashion but I’m not a crafty girl. I know what’s nice, but I don’t have the patience for it. However, I do work with local designers to come up with my vision for them to execute it,” she stated.
To date, Ashaka’s brand can be found in several stores locally, including La Vogue Boutique in the Courtyard Mall, Elegant Styles Studio on Duncan Street, as well as Desire Brands in Berbice.
“Pieces & Things is fuelled on a passion for fashion. It’s not a task, it’s something I love. And it’s gratifying to know that I am doing something I love,” she expressed fervently.
Ashaka is indeed a visionary young lady. She surely is an example for other young ladies who are hesitant to follow their passion, and Ashaka hopes her story of never giving up serves as motivation for them to follow their dreams without letup. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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