A certain man gat a very misleading name!

Is not that de BC like fuh “knock” people, but some people does really do some stupidness that does cause that pun dem self. De other day, it was reported that some students in Bolt country, Jamaica, “tun” up dress inappropriately fuh school. Apparently, de boys “tun” up in tight tight pants and de girls in short short skirt! De teachers send dem home immediately. People seh de teachers right. Now, that is something de students cause pun dem selves. Some want fuh know if de students wear de same clothes dem wear during the “school uniform” party dem went to during de holidays.
People seh more than likely de teaches wasn’t at de party! Others sehin that maybe de girls didn’t had any long mirrors in dem house and de boys pants suffer de same fate as de children in de movie “Honey I Shrunk De Kids!” Is de same way some in Guyana doing things that causing whatever regards others gat fuh dem, fuh shrink!
Now that de mining town back to normalcy, some others trying fuh bring blockade to others areas sehin that de roads gat holes! People asking why de same people didn’t bring blockade when de Coconut Tree party was in office and all de roads had more holes than Swiss cheese! People seh that then, it had rats too; rats in de health facilities and other places. Dem also sehin that then, it had other kinda “rats” other than de set that does run around and gat people screaming, especially when it show up in a restaurant! Sometimes de “restaurant rats” does mek customer numbers shrink and people seh then, de “other kind” did mek de money in de “kitty” shrink so de roads and all de other things couldn’t get fixed! That is why dem getting “knock” and that is why people sehin that Solomon need some “knocking” fuh de things he doing.
After what happen in de mining town, he now trying fuh install a IMC pun he own. Ganga seh he ain’t gat no authority fuh do that. He now call elections fuh de same IMC. Again Ganga seh he ain’t gat no authority fuh do that. People asking if Solomon ain’t learning. Dem seh with a name like that he suppose fuh be “wise!” Dem seh just like looks, names could be misleading! That is why he getting “knock” and apparently, that wouldn’t shrink! Some asking if he shouldn’t get send home like de students! Ting-a- ling-aling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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