A call for the authorities to address noise nuisances

Dear Editor,

A lot of persons have made complaints about noise nuisance in the society, and it is clear that the same thing continues, even though several warnings were issued by the authorities. Almost every weekend, there is a live show or concert. The rum shops and beer gardens operate as if they do not care about anyone in the society. Some of these businesses carry on with their activities way after hours, and they breach the conditions of their licence to operate without anyone taking the necessary action.  

Even private citizens play their music at very loud levels and affect their neighbours. Sometimes, our children need to study for exams, but they cannot do so uninterrupted. Even the churches, mosques and temples should be monitored a bit more, since some of them use public address systems and, in some cases, music bands. If loud-speakers or bands are used, especially in churches, the building should be constructed in such a way as to confine the sound within the building. 

The Ministry of Home Affairs had stated, some time ago, that it would step-up its campaign on noise nuisance, and it had encouraged persons to report noise nuisances to the stations; but when one makes a report, it is not given the level of seriousness required. Sometimes the police never show up to carry out their investigation, and they proffer some lame excuse, such as they do not have transportation, etc. It is time that the police and the Ministry of Home Affairs become strict on those persons who break the law, since Guyanese would like to live in peace and quiet. 

Yours truly,

Latchman Singh

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