A big boost for local businesses

Dear Editor,
I am so excited and with solid reasons too. In fact, I doubted at first, but then I saw it in the newspapers. The joy I am experiencing is related to the fact that micro- entrepreneurs in Guyana will soon have the opportunity to propose business plans and could receive funding to start up their own businesses. This is really a fillip to the Guyanese people. When I confirmed the news, I instantly emailed my New York friend since he is very business minded.
The idea of helping small business people is the brain child of the Canadian government (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Local Government and Regional Development Ministry, the Caribbean Local Economic Development Programme (CARILED) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). I can see here that even though the plan is to aid the smaller business community, the idea is really in some big minds. I am sure that these four groups will really do some good work. What is very welcoming is the fact that the programme is a six-year one and will allow for a feasibility needs assessment to identify possible areas in which to channel funding for medium, small and micro-enterprises development and possible sustainability.
So, a lot of work is being put into this project. I personally hate these slap-dash programmes. I go by a rule which says that ‘anything worth doing is worth doing well’. Finer details show that the venture is quite massive.
It is to the tune of Cdn$ 19 million and is aimed not only to help Guyana, but some 13 other Caricom countries.
Guyana is however, fortunate to have been selected to be part of the first phase of the project, along with six other countries. The first phase of the project will be implemented in Regions Two, Three, Four and Six.
I am awaiting the fruition of this project. I know that I have to be patient, but I am sure the wait will be worth it. I admit a lot of shortcomings with my sense of economics, but this I know – the more local businesses and industries, the better off for all Guyanese.
Yours respectfully,
Gary Fung

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