A big boost for local businesses

Dear Editor,
‘If I had a million dollars’ is a theme/ title of two very popular songs, and this theme expresses a reality.
Many people just cannot move ahead because ‘cash’ is short. Personally, if I had some dough I would have expanded my fishing business.
Right now, I sell the catch far too cheaply. This is because I do not have an ‘ice truck.’ Anyway, I am glad for a lot of people, and with some good reasons.
The news is buzzing that “… the Caribbean Local Economic Development Programme (CARILED), via Director for Guyana Dr Naresh Singh, has assured local entrepreneurs, farmers groups and members of various neighbourhood democratic councils… that soft loans will be provided to small businesses and groups to execute projects.”
This is like ‘heaven came down’ Knowing how the Guyanese mentality is, I am sure that the opportunity will be maximised.
The funds will be readily available too, that is, to persons and groups, once their projects are beneficial to the community. So it is not a ‘give away.’ Certain conditions have to be met, and ‘businesses have to be in order,’ in terms of profitability and suitability. I know that the CARILED programme is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and implemented by the Federation Canadian Municipality, and so there is a high level of integrity and scrutinising. I add here too that Guyana is one of 14 Caribbean countries that were selected to benefit from the CARILED programme. This confirms that Guyana’s economy is very stable. In fact, it is growing and that fact should inspire the spawning and expanding of investment projects there.
Guyana stands to benefit from some Cdn$ 23 million that has been allocated to the 14 Caribbean territories and projects will be implemented in communities in Regions Two, Three, Four and Six. I can see that there will be the enhancing of local economic development and the opening up of more avenues for trainings, as well as marketing opportunities for small businesses.
Editor, I do not know how long the ‘red tape’ will be, but I have a feeling that Christmas will be great this year. I advocate strongly for ‘local.’ I am talking here about meat, especially chicken, and eggs. I also advise that these business entities pay careful attention to the aspect of security in terms of weather and thievery.

Deepest regards,
Vincent DeNobreiga

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