Explore Guyana’s rainforest

Far from South America’s trodden tourist trail is an undiscovered gem. Guyana is home to some of the world’s most pristine rainforests: almost 80 per cent of the country is covered by tropical jungle.

A visit to Guyana’s interior requires planning, but travellers find a luxuriant landscape teeming with life. Boat rides along rivers reveal monkeys, giant river otters, parrots, toucans, capybara and black caiman. Lucky travellers will spot jaguar. More than 850 species of birds fill the forest with colour and the haunting melodies, screeches and hoots of the tropics.

Eco-lodges deep in the interior allow visitors to walk trails and absorb the visual richness and captivating sounds of the jungle. The scenic jewel of Guyana is Kaieteur Falls, one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls. Falling 226 metres, these remote falls are reached either by charter flight to a small nearby airstrip, or overland on a rigorous five-day odyssey. (Eric Lindberg for Aishti Adventure Magazine)

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