Marriott will push local hotels to lift standard – Ramotar

An artist’s impression of the Marriott Hotel (Guyana)

President Donald Ramotar has assured that the opening of a Marriot Hotel in Guyana will not run current hoteliers out of business. According to him, the opening of such a world-class hotel would only give local hotels the opportunity to lift their standards, thereby raising the level of competition.
“I want to assure all of you that the Marriot Hotel project is not going to put anyone out of business. The government is not into the business of pressuring any company into liquidation and I want to assure that those that feel threatened by our plans to build this hotel, that their fears are misplaced,” the president told members of the private sector last week Thursday during the Private Sector Commission’s (PSC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Pegasus Hotel.
Ramotar added that his administration looks to the future with the aim of improving the local economy and lives of all citizens. “We are looking towards the future; I can assure you that we are working to increase the momentum of our economy to make it bigger, and to make it grow faster. I envisage that we would be able to move so fast as to fill all of the hotels with people seeking to do business and leisure.”
He noted too that hotels are not constructed overnight, stating that they are built following careful plans, deliberations and discussions with the future in mind.
“We have to prepare for the future in which guests will demand five star services instead of quaking as the local saying would go; local hotel owners should be upgrading, one Marriott will not be enough for this country in the future; that is how I see our country growing,” the head of state said affirmatively.
Government has said that the US$51 million Marriott Hotel will help to bridge the current gap that exists in the hospitality industry, noting also that as the economy grows, there will be greater demands for more in that sector.
The construction of the hotel is to commence next year and when completed will occupy 200,000 square feet of land in the Kingston area, and will have 160 rooms along with a 75,000 square foot entertainment complex.
That complex will be furnished with modern conveniences and amenities, including a casino, restaurants and a night club. Currently only the Princess Hotel can operate a casino.
It is also expected that some 250 persons will be employed as a result of the one of the world’s most prestigious hotels coming to Guyana. The Marriott has chains in 72 countries with more than 3600 hotels globally.

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