Eighty representatives from both government and non-governmental organisations have completed training in shelter management, damage assessment, and emergency operations centre management, courtesy of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC).
The training for regional representatives was conducted recently in the boardroom of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Region Six.
The CDC has reported that 30 persons were trained as emergency shelter managers; 26 in damage assessment and 24 as emergency operations centre managers. The training concluded with evaluation and other exercises which were used as tools to measure the participants’ understanding of the material covered during the respective training programmes.
Additionally, the CDC handed over to the Region Six RDC an emergency box containing maps, states/charts, stationeries and other resources needed for the effective activation and operations of an emergency operation centre during a disaster. The items are expected to contribute to the region’s disaster preparedness and response capability.
The CDC has planned similar training sessions which will be conducted in November and December in Regions One, Seven, and 10.
Training in Regions Seven and 10 will be held in November, while Region One will benefit from the programme in December.
At the end of the current training calendar, Regions One, Three, Four, Six and Seven would have benefited from DRM training in the areas of shelter management, damage assessment, and emergency operations centre management.