550 families in Region 2 to benefit from new house lots in 2012

Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud

Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud has announced that residents of the Essequibo Coast will soon benefit from new house lots aback of Onderneeming and Queenstown. Speaking to residents at Lima Village on May 4, Persaud said the Housing Ministry is growing and over the years has transformed the lives of many Guyanese.

Persaud said from the 2012 budget, Gy$ 3.6 billion has been allocated to the Housing Ministry of which a portion will be channeled to Region Two for the establishment of new housing schemes. The new regional chairman said some 550 families will benefit from this venture.

He said recently that engineers from the Housing Ministry had visited the region and identified plots at Onderneeming and Queenstown backlands that are feasible for housing.

He said also in the Onderneeming area where Little Red Village One is located, persons will soon have access to potable drinkable water. Persaud said this was only possible through the ministry’s intervention to have pipelines laid and a well drilled in the area.

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