380 get house lots during Uitvlugt ‘One Stop Shop’

The Housing Ministry on Tuesday took its ‘One Stop Shop’ initiative to Uitvlugt Community Centre, West Coast Demerara, and more than 380 citizens were provided with the opportunity to own house lots at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo.

In attendance were Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali, Permanent Secretary Emile McGarrell; Myrna Pitt, Central Housing and Planning Authority Chief Executive Officer; a team from the Housing Ministry, Region Three Chairman Julius Faerber, and representatives from the financial sector, private home developers, and representatives of hardware and furniture sectors.

According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, Ali said: “ The Tuschen Phase Two development is 660 house lots; so you will have 660 homes in that area, and more than 3,000 people will be living in Phase Two.”

To ensure that citizens are afforded this transformative lifestyle, it is critical that the Regional Democratic Council and Neighbourhood Democratic Council have the capacity to manage the development.

Minister Ali highlighted that, with the construction of new homes, there will be tremendous expansion in the region involving the banking sector and the construction industry. Additionally, there will be more employment opportunities.

He highlighted that government has invested approximately $ 2 billion within the past eight years to foster the development of Tuschen. Thus far, it has expended $ 426 million on this project.

Land ownership is empowering, and many families find security through its acquisition. This has led to the transformation of lifestyles to ones of comfort and stability. It also enables the creation and transmission of family values, the release added.

In addition to affording potential home owners the opportunity to save time and gather all necessary information relative to loans, insurance and construction of homes, the One Stop Shop allows socialisation.

He indicated that this event brings people together, and is good for building relations, since everyone will be living in one community. A community comprising people of various backgrounds creates a dynamic society and forces the breaking of barriers and a cultural shift in society.

Minister Ali encouraged allottees to utilise the services provided, particularly information about loans from commercial banks.

Referring to the hardship of paying house rent, he said that it is better to pay a mortgage than a rent. To further expand the housing sector in the region, the minis try is focusing on the creation of 1,200 house lots at Zeelugt.

Minister Ali noted that the ministry is hoping to commence land clearing at that location soon.

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