34 graduate from Bina Hill Institute

The Bina Hill Institute in Annai, Region Nine has churned out another batch of graduates.

Rex John receiving an award
Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Sydney Allicock, (center); Region Eight, Regional Chairman Bonaventure Fredricks, Principal of Bina Hill Institute Victor Ferreira, Board Member of Bina Hill Institute Colin Edwards, staff of the Bina Hill Institute and the graduates.

The institute’s eight (8th) graduation ceremony saw 34 youths graduating after being certified in 11 technical skills.
Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Sydney Allicock told the graduates that their real journey starts now. “I know that some of you, during the two years have been thinking that this is the end…But this was the time you were being prepared to begin your journey, the real journey into adulthood, to make your contribution to the development of yourself, your family, your community, your region and the country at large”, said Minister Allicock. He reminded them to never forget their culture and the importance of agriculture.
Best graduating student Jan Gomes said that despite the challenging two years, she managed to stand firm and complete her journey. The Region Eight resident said, “At the end, it was very successful and I would like to thank the teachers, friends who encouraged me, give me support”.
Gomes explained that fitting in was a bit difficult but in the long haul this was another challenge she overcame successfully. “I met a lot of people with different backgrounds, with different cultures. I took up the challenge and I said I’m going to make it. It’s for my benefit. It’s for my future and here I am today”, Gomes explained.
Rex John, another grandaunt, said that he will encourage his friends and others from his community, to take the opportunity to further their education at the Bina Hill Institute. John said that the institute was a lifeline in the difficult journey to furthering his education.
“After leaving secondary school, I didn’t have no job, no opportunity or no nothing. I used to work at the backdam but I heard about Bina Hill Institute, and I came in to further my studies, especially in agriculture” John added.
The Youth Learning Centre of the Bina Hill Institute was established in 2001. It is a unique institution that focuses on training hinterland youth in Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Wildlife Management, Agriculture, Tourism, Business Studies, Life Skills, Traditional Skills, Basic Computer Skills, Mathematics, English and leadership training. (DPI)

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