30 Berbicians graduate from ICT training programme

— budget cuts will not stop resources for IT training, Finance Minister vows

“No budget cuts by the Opposition, no antics and shenanigans by the PNC and the APNU will stop me from making resources available for IT training,” said Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh during the feature address at the graduating exercise for Information Technology trainees at Glasgow, East Bank Berbice.

“Notwithstanding that the Opposition is putting pressure on us, I said [to the coordinator], despite the cuts on the budget, we will make the resources available for the training programmes because nothing can substitute for the training of our young people. There can be no greater satisfaction, than to see our young people get qualified, get jobs, and earn incomes and become professionals, and self -sustaining individuals. There is no greater satisfaction. And no budget cuts by the Opposition, no antics and shenanigans by the PNC and the APNU will stop me from this satisfaction,” he emphasised whilst pounding his fist on the podium at the Glasgow Community Centre.

Earlier, the minister had told the lone male amongst the 30 graduands that, as a Government, they want every single young Guyanese to be equipped with the skills that are required of the modern world.

“In my time for literacy, Mathematics and English were the basic skills. They are still basic skills and we would like to ensure that you are equipped with those basic skills.”

However, with the changing trend of the world, Singh noted that information and communication technology is now a critical prerequisite without which one cannot possibly survive.

“Computer literacy, and computer skills are assumed as a given. You go into the place of work, and you are automatically expected to have them. When you send your CV [Curriculum Vitae], whilst applying for a job, and list computer literacy and familiarity with certain computer packages, you automatically have an advantage.

“However, that is not unique to Guyana, because if [you] speak to your relatives overseas, they tell you if you are not computer literate, you have no chance in the world of today.”

The minister underscored the commitment of the Government with respect to bridging the domestic digital divide which allows every Guyanese person to be a beneficiary, despite where they live, where they come from, and their socio-economic circumstances.

“Every single Guyanese person must enjoy the benefits of modern technology. No Guyanese person must be left behind. That is why we are implementing the One Laptop Per Family Programme, under which 90,000 [laptops] have been distributed, we have already distributed 55,000. We have said, even in our most vulnerable homes, where perhaps because of affordability, a computer cannot be purchased for the benefit of persons of that home, we will put a computer in that home. That is why we are implementing training programmes like this, and are building IT laboratories in the secondary schools. Because in our view, every single student leaving secondary school must be IT literate, that’s why we are mounting training programmes such as this, to allow you to have a second chance if you had missed it in the secondary school.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in his brief remarks reflected on the changing face of technology and expressed great satisfaction with the achievements of those who have achieved certification in Information Technology, which is an area of study he will pursue after his retirement.

Meanwhile, trainer Leah Moses said students were taught, Basic Office Ethics, Introduction to computers and Window XP, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Office Outlook, Office Access, MS Publisher, Power Point, Numeracy, Literacy, Basic Math and English, Sexual and Reproductive Health, along with HIV/AIDS and prevention.

Those receiving special awards were the Best Graduating Student, Ms. Esther Jonas, the most improved student, Ms. Bhanmattie Jugmohan, and the most persevering student who overcame difficulties and constraints was Ms. Tiffany Joseph.

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